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Pension scheme rule changes 2025

Each year, employers' and employees' organisations in the Dutch merchant navy and the Bpf Koopvaardij board make decisions regarding your pension. In the PensioenPeiling newsletter, you can see what those decisions will mean for your pension scheme in 2025.

What does the PensioenPeiling newsletter tell you?
In the newsletter, you can find out how your pension scheme is changing. You can also see the key figures for 2025, and how to check your personal pension situation. For more information, read PensioenPeiling 2025 (pdf).

2025 key figures

We have adjusted the following amounts for 2025:

  • the maximum pensionable pay;
  • the state pension offset [franchise];
  • the commutation limit for small pensions;
  • the percentages of the partner's pension (build-up and risk basis).

Read the overview of the 2025 key figures (pdf)

Calculation factors and years

We have included the calculation factors that apply for 2025 in the appendices to the 2015 pension scheme rules. For example, factors for bringing forward and postponing the occupational retirement pension, as well as factors for exchanging occupational retirement pension and partner's pension.

Two-part partner's pension

Your partner's pension consists of 2 parts: you have a partner's pension on a build-up basis and a partner's pension on a risk basis. In 2025, the ratio between these 2 parts will be different:

  1. You automatically build up a partner's pension until the age of 67 at the latest. The partner’s pension is reserved for your partner for after you pass away. You will not lose this, even if your membership of the pension scheme ends or if you retire. The build-up of the partner's pension has been reduced to 33.8% of the occupational retirement pension (2024: 48.9%).
  2. The other part of the partner's pension is insured on a risk basis. This part will be cancelled when you retire or if your membership of the pension scheme ends (no later than three months after you leave employment). The total partner’s pension will therefore be less in those cases. The partner's pension on a risk basis is now 36.2% (2024: 21.1%).

The total partner's pension during your membership of the pension scheme remains the same in the light of these changes. You can find the amount of your partner's pension in My Koopvaardij and in your Uniform Pension Overview.

A higher partner's pension after the end of your membership?

What happens if you pass away after you cease to be a member of the pension scheme? Then your partner's pension will be lower. This is because the partner's pension on a risk basis is cancelled upon termination of your membership. Your partner will no longer receive the risk-based part.

If you want to avoid that, then you need to take action when your membership of the pension scheme ceases. At that point, you can exchange part of your occupational retirement pension for a higher partner’s pension.

What if you have already retired?

In that case, nothing will change.

You can read more about this at Taking retirement.


You can find all the pension scheme rules at Downloads (Dutch only). You can also request the pension scheme rules by phoning our Service Desk on +31 (0)88 007 9899.

The arrangements for the new pension scheme have been finalised

The new Dutch Future Pensions Act [Wet toekomst pensioenen – Wtp] took effect on 1 July 2023. It means that every pension scheme needs to change, including that of Bpf Koopvaardij. The social partners – i.e. the representatives of the employees and employers together – have been busy recently making arrangements about the new pension scheme. Those arrangements have now been finalised, and are set out in the 'transition plan'. You can find the plan at Transition plan, i.e. the entire transition plan and a summary with a clear explanation for each target group.