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You and your partner are separating

If your relationship ends, this may have consequences for your pension. For example, your ex-partner may be entitled to part of your occupational retirement pension (equalisation or conversion) and, in the event of your death, to part of the partner's pension (special partner's pension).

What influence does a relationship, or its termination, have on your pension? 

This video explains what influence a relationship, or its termination, has on your pension. 

What will separation mean for your pension?

Occupational retirement pension (equalisation)

According to the law, your ex-partner is entitled to half* the occupational retirement pension that you built up when you were married or had a registered partnership. This is called equalisation. A condition is that your marriage or registered partnership must have been entered into before your pension commencement date. There will be no right to equalisation if you cohabited, irrespective of whether or not you had a cohabitation contract.

The pension benefit for your ex-partner will start at the same time as your pension (i.e. not when he/she retires) and will stop when you pass away. This keeps you (financially) connected to each other. What if your ex-partner passes away before you? In that case, the equalisation no longer applies and you will once again be entitled to your entire occupational retirement pension.

* Deviation from this standard division is possible if you officially record this (e.g. in a divorce settlement).

Independent pension for your ex-partner (conversion)

In the case of a divorce or termination of your registered partnership, you can also opt for conversion. This means that your ex-partner obtains an independent right to part of your occupational retirement pension. By doing so, you definitively waive your right to this part of your occupational retirement pension. This part will be added to the special partner’s pension of your partner. Your ex-partner's pension will commence when he or she retires and ends when your ex-partner passes away. Conversion can be beneficial, for example if you and your former partner have both accrued roughly the same amount of occupational retirement pension. You can check this at

Applying for equalisation or conversion of your occupational retirement pension

Send the completed application form for division of occupational retirement pension in the event of separation (Dutch only) to Bpf Koopvaardij. Have you recorded other arrangements about the division of your occupational retirement pension? For instance, in a prenuptial agreement, partnership conditions or a divorce settlement? Please send these documents to us after you and your partner have separated.

If you submit the documents within 2 years, Bpf Koopvaardij will ensure that each partner gets his/her share. If you do that after 2 years, we will need not only your signature but that of your ex-partner too.

Partner's pension for your ex-partner
(special partner's pension)

If you are divorced or if your registered partnership or notarial cohabitation contract is terminated, your ex-partner will be entitled after your death to the partner’s pension built up during your relationship. This is referred to as a special partner's pension. If you have a new partner, your new partner will be entitled only to the partner’s pension that you built up after your divorce or termination of your registered partnership or notarial cohabitation contract.

Your ex-partner may waive his or her right to the special partner’s pension. This means that your former partner will no longer receive a partner's pension when you pass away. You will get the partner's pension back and a new partner will then be entitled to a full partner's pension again. Record this arrangement in, for instance, a divorce settlement. For this purpose, complete the waiver (Dutch only). For more information, please contact our Service Desk.

Deregistering your ex-partner

If you separate after a marriage, registered partnership or cohabitation and you live abroad, you must inform us of the end of the relationship. Both you and your ex-partner can do so in writing or by e-mail. Enclose or attach a copy of a registered letter to the other partner or to the civil-law notary. Always state the end date of the relationship in the letter.

A new relationship after the separation

If, following your separation, you remarry, enter into a registered partnership or conclude a notarial cohabitation contract, your new partner will receive the partner’s pension that has been built up with Bpf Koopvaardij from the separation date. If you separate from your new partner, this ex-partner will be entitled to half the occupational retirement pension that you build up during the second marriage, partnership or cohabitation.

If you think that the partner's pension is insufficient for your new partner and if you have sufficient occupational retirement pension, you can exchange part of your occupational retirement pension for extra partner’s pension when you leave service or on your retirement date. For more information, go to Taking retirement.

Were you separated before 1 May 1995?
If so, other rules apply. For this purpose, contact our Service Desk.

What is the amount of your partner's or orphan's pension?

You will find the amount of the partner's and orphan's pension at My Koopvaardij. However, you can also see this on your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) and at (Dutch only). How much your partner and children, if any, will receive will depend on your situation at the time when you die.