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Take part in our member survey

You receive a pension from or have a pension with Bedrijfspensioenfonds voor de Koopvaardij (Bpf Koopvaardij). Your opinion counts! This survey is so we can hear what you think about how we communicate with you. We also ask you some questions about the new pension. Your feedback will help us improve our communication and tailor it to your needs. Please take the survey and make your voice heard.

Here’s how to take part

You can take part via the link or QR code you received from us in a letter or email.

Completing the questionnaire will take you about 10 to 15 minutes. Please complete the questionnaire as soon as possible but by no later than Sunday 15 September 2024. We will be raffling off ten €25 gift vouchers among the participants who respond to the survey. We will announce the results of the survey in the autumn in our digital newsletter and at our website.


Montae & Partners is conducting this survey on behalf of Bpf Koopvaardij. They will ensure that your privacy remains secure, and will handle your answers with care. They will also ensure that your answers cannot be traced back to you. In processing your information, they will comply with the relevant privacy legislation.

Find out more

Do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk. Please mention that you are contacting us about the Bpf Koopvaardij survey. That will enable us to help you better. You can find more information about our pension scheme at Pension 1-2-3

Thank you for taking part.