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You are going to work in the merchant navy

Congratulations on your new job! If this is the first time you’re going to work in the merchant navy, you will automatically become a member of the Bpf Koopvaardij pension scheme. This means you will now be building up pension for later. There is also a pension for your partner and children, if any, when you die.

Most of the above takes place automatically. We ask you to do a couple of things yourself.

What must you do?

  1. Go to My Koopvaardij. You can log in using DigiD or eIDAS. Enter your email address and indicate your choice at ‘Postal preferences’. That saves a lot of paper and stamps. Moreover, you will find all your personal pension information in 1 place. Simpler, faster and cleaner. If you wish to receive your post on paper, you can indicate that too.

  2. You can transfer the pension that you built up at your previous employer(s) to Bpf Koopvaardij. This means that all your pension will be kept transparently in 1 place. This is called pension transfer. Check whether this is favourable for you.

  3. Have you had a cohabitation contract drawn up by a civil-law notary, are you married or do you have a registered partnership agreement? Send us a copy of the marriage certificate or the agreement. Please indicate your partner's citizen service number on the document. Your partner will then be eligible for partner's pension after your death.

  4. You receive from us a welcome letter and layer 1 of Pension 1-2-3: the most important information about your new pension scheme. We advise you to read this carefully, so that you know what has been arranged for you and when you must take action yourself.

See your pension immediately online

My Koopvaardij is your personal secure pension environment containing the details of your pension at Bpf Koopvaardij. It shows you the amount of your pension and, if applicable, what we have arranged for your partner and children. You will also find a pension planner to make calculations with the various pension options. You can log in using DigiD or eIDAS.

Log in at My Koopvaardij

Transfer of accrued benefits: taking your previously accrued pension with you

If you have worked for several employers in different sectors, you have probably accrued pension with several pension administrators (a pension fund or an insurer). Combining these pensions could be a smart move. If you opt for a transfer, you will have all your pensions in 1 place. This could be much more convenient for you. You will be paid your pension by 1 pension administrator instead of several. Your pension with Bpf Koopvaardij will also increase and, as a result, so will your partner's pension with Bpf Koopvaardij.

Compare both pension schemes carefully

In some cases, it will be better to leave your pension with your previous pension administrator. You should therefore carefully compare the two pension schemes using the Pension Comparison tool. The value of your previously accrued pension always remains the same. Keep in mind that with a transfer of accrued benefits, you are more dependent on the financial situation at a single pension administrator.

A transfer is only possible if both pension administrators have a strong enough financial position. You can, however, always request a transfer of accrued benefits. As soon as this is possible, we will set this in motion.

Completing the form for international pension transfer

A pension transfer across borders is called an international pension transfer. In order to execute this pension transfer, you need to have your foreign pension administrator fill in and complete the Model Questionnaire for International Incoming Value Transfers. Have the form completed and send it together with your application form for pension transfer.

Please note: Bpf Koopvaardij has to have the pension transfer tested by De Nederlandsche Bank in case of a pension transfer from a pension administrator outside the European Union (EU) to see if the pension can be transferred. Please contact our Service Desk for more information.

Pension transfer or no pension transfer?

Requesting a pension transfer
You can request a pension transfer at My Koopvaardij. You can also complete the pension transfer application form (Dutch only), scan it and email it to us. You will then receive an offer from us within 2 to 5 months to confirm whether you wish to proceed with the pension transfer.

Small pension in the Netherlands
If the pension at your old Dutch pension fund is below the statutory commutation limit of € 613.52 (2025), it will be automatically transferred to Bpf Koopvaardij. You do not need to do anything.

No pension transfer

In that case, your built-up pension will remain reserved at your old pension fund or insurer. You will eventually receive pension from them too.

If you change jobs

If you change to another job within the merchant navy, you (as a seafarer) will continue to build up pension at Bpf Koopvaardij. The pension build-up will continue automatically via your new employer.

If you are going to work for an employer outside the merchant navy, you can transfer the pension you have built up at Bpf Koopvaardij to your new pension fund or insurer. You can arrange this via your new pension fund or insurer. In order to transfer your pension abroad, your new pension administrator will have to fill in the Model Questionnaire for Outgoing Value Transfers. Have this document completed and filled in by your new pension administrator. We will use the document to determine whether the pension transfer is allowed.