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Conditional pension

For people who build up a pension with Bpf Koopvaardij and were born between 1961 and 1972, a conditional pension scheme was established in 2005. We introduced the scheme to compensate for the reduced pension build-up resulting from a change in the pension scheme at that time. This scheme entitles you to extra pension. You have to meet the following conditions.

  • You were born between 1961 and 1972.
  • You were a member of Bpf Koopvaardij’s pension scheme in 1994.
  • You were a member of Bpf Koopvaardij’s pension scheme for a minimum of 165 days in 2005.
  • Prior to the calendar year in which you reach age 60, you were a member of the Bpf Koopvaardij’s pension scheme for a minimum of 165 days.

At My Koopvaardij and on your annual Uniform Pension Overview (UPO), you can see whether you are eligible, and if so the amount of your conditional pension. On 1 January of the year in which you reach age 60, your conditional entitlements will be converted into unconditional entitlements. You will then be entitled to the extra pension.



In the event of divorce or termination of a registered domestic partnership, the ex-partner will be entitled to payment of part of the occupational retirement pension. The ex-partner may convert this portion of the occupational retirement pension and the special partner’s pension into an independent right to an occupational retirement pension. This is called conversion.


In the case of equalisation, entitlements to occupational retirement pension built up during a marriage or registered partnership are divided in the event of divorce of the termination of the registered partnership. 

Factor A

The 'Factor A' shows your pension growth in one calendar year. This is an amount that shows how many euros your pension has grown in a year. You will find the amount of your ‘Factor A’ on your annual Uniform Pension Overview (UPO). You will need the 'Factor A' if you want to calculate your tax scope for pension supplements. If your pension has not yet commenced and if you would like, for example, to save for extra pension, you can use your 'Factor A' to check whether you have tax scope for this. You can calculate you tax scope using the ‘Annuity premium calculation tool’ of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration at

For the 2023 tax return, use the pension growth (Factor A) in 2022. You will find the 2022 Factor A on your UPO at My Koopvaardij.

Net pre-pension

From 2006 to 2015, Bpf Koopvaardij had a net pre-pension scheme. If you were a member of the pension scheme in that period, you saved a net pension amount. You can use this built-up net pre-pension for the period between the ages of 62 and 67.

The characteristics of the net pre-pension are as follows.

  • It is a temporary occupational retirement pension.
  • It is usually paid out between the ages of 62 and 67.
  • You can have the pension commence earlier, but no earlier than from the age of 60.
  • You can postpone the commencement date to no later than one month before you reach the age of 67.
  • Up to and including 31 December 2014, you saved a net amount for your pre-pension. Your pre-pension benefit is therefore a net benefit.
  • The net pre-pension benefit is paid free of tax. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration considers the net prepension amount you have built up to be capital. You will see this amount on your net pre-pension overview that you receive in February every year from Bpf Koopvaardij. If you are filing a tax return in the Netherlands, the amount must be entered in box 3. You will find your overview at My Koopvaardij in your messages received.
  • If you change jobs and start building up pension elsewhere, you can transfer both your occupational retirement pension and your net prepension to your new pension administrator. This is called pension transfer. This has the advantage that all your pensions are handled by one pension administrator. However, your net pre-pension benefit may be subject to wage deductions at a later stage. As a result, you will receive less net pre-pension. Ask your new pension administrator about this. For this reason, you may also leave your net pre-pension at Bpf Koopvaardij.


The person with whom you are married, or with whom you have a registered partnership or a cohabitation contract before you retire. In the case of a cohabitation contract, you must have lived together for at least six months and are both registered at the same address.

Pensionable annual salary

The pensionable salary consists of the following components:

  1. Basic pay.
  2. Tanker increase (tv).
  3. Holiday allowance (vt).
  4. Overtime allowance of 15% on components 1+2+3.
  5. Extra allowance of 5% on components 1+2+3 if additional allowances are involved – in addition to components 1 to 4, inclusive – in accordance with the collective agreement or employment contract.

When determining the pensionable daily wage, the increase due to travel time is not taken into account.

Pensionable earnings

The pensionable earnings are the pensionable pay less the state pension offset.

Recovery plan

A recovery plan is a plan of action in which pension funds show what measures they are taking to improve their financial position. Funds should also indicate what measures they will take if recovery does not succeed within the time allowed. 

State pension offset

You do not build up pension on your entire wage. You do not build up pension on the state pension offset. The state pension offset per day is € 48.21 (2025). The state pension offset is taken into account because you will eventually also receive a state pension benefit. This will be part of your income too.