Retiring earlier
Retiring early? Your pension benefit will then become lower because you will receive your pension over a longer period of time. Your state pension (AOW) may also commence later than your forwarded pension. You can check the financial consequences of both choices on My Koopvaardij or consult our Service Desk.
Retiring at the age of 67
Have you not indicated any pension options with Bpf Koopvaardij? Then you automatically choose for equal monthly amounts from 67 years. On My Koopvaardij you may find your pension that you are expected to receive from us from the pension commencement age. Or check your Uniform Pension Overview (UPO).
Retiring later
Retiring later? Your pension benefit will then become higher because we are paying out your pension over a shorter period of time. You can postpone your pension up to 70 years at the latest. You can check the financial consequences of both choices on Mijn Koopvaardij or consult our Service Desk.
Exchanging pension for extra partner’s pension
Besides occupational retirement pension you have also built up partner’s pension. Do you wish to receive less occupational retirement yourself in order to ensure that your partner receives a higher partner’s pension when you pass away? A condition is that the new partner’s pension is not more than 70% of your occupational retirement pension.
Exchanging partner’s pension for extra pension
Besides occupational retirement pension you have also built up partner’s pension. Do you not have a partner, or does your partner have enough income or pension? Then you may consider exchanging (a part of) the partner’s pension for extra occupational retirement pension.
High-low pension
Maybe you expect to spend more money in the first years of retirement than later in life. Then choosing for a higher monthly pension in the first period is an option. After the chosen period your monthly period will be lower.
Are you not receiving a state pension (AOW) in the first period after retiring? Then this might also be an option up until your state pension age. This way you bridge a period of less income. You can check the financial consequences of both choices on My Koopvaardij or consult our Service Desk.
Lump sum
In the case of a lump sum, you may withdraw a maximum of 10% of your pension in one go on your retirement date. This can be a large amount or a small amount. That depends on how much pension you have built up with Bpf Koopvaardij. Whether withdrawing a lump sum is beneficial for you depends on your wishes and your situation, but also on the tax rules, for example.
There is still uncertainty about the law governing the lump sum. We will inform you as soon as you can calculate in My Koopvaardij what your pension could be if it includes a lump sum.