Your pension at Bpf Koopvaardij is far more than just your occupational retirement pension. Bpf Koopvaardij also ensures a pension for your family when you die. There is a partner's pension or special partner's pension for your partner (and any ex-partner). There is an orphan's pension for your children up to the age of 18 (or 27 for children who are studying).
The partner’s pension consists of 2 parts
- The part that you are building up until you turn 67 at the latest. This is 33.8% (2025) of the occupational retirement pension. This part will be reserved for your partner, even if your membership of the pension scheme ends or if you retire. You can find the build-up rates of previous years in the pension scheme rules (Dutch only).
- The risk-based part. This is 36.2% (2025) of the occupational retirement pension that you are building up until you turn 67 at the latest. This part will be cancelled if your membership of the pension scheme ends (after three months) or upon your retirement. The partner’s pension will therefore be less in those cases. You may, however, exchange part of your occupational retirement pension for a higher partner's pension. For more information, go to Taking retirement.
If you wish to know the amount of your partner's pension, go to My Koopvaardij, where you will also find the amount of the orphan’s pension and of course your occupational retirement pension.

Do you wish to know more?
What must you do if you separate? Go to You and your partner are separating.
Do you have a partner?
Check what influence your relationship has on your pension.