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December 2023

We verhogen de pensioenen in 2024 met 3,26%

Employers Newsletter

December 2023

We are increasing the pensions in 2024 by 3.26% 

Each year, we try to increase your pension in line with prices. This is called indexation. The Bpf Koopvaardij Board has decided to increase your pension in 2024 by 3.26%. You recently received a letter from us about this. You can read an explanation of this decision on our website.

Learn more

The Koopvaardij Portal is being improved

Our portal is closed to changes. You retain access to your information. In January 2024 you can submit changes again on the updated Koopvaardij Portal.

The 2024 key figures will be available shortly

Each year, we adjust the amounts and percentages for the pension scheme. You can read these important key figures for your administration in the letter you will soon receive. You will also find this information in January at

Questions about the new pension system

Now that the new Dutch Future Pensions Act has taken effect, we can well understand that you and your employees have questions. On our website, we therefore answer the most frequently asked questions about the new pension system.   

What is the difference between the solidarity scheme and the flexible scheme?

In the new pension system, there are two types of schemes. In the solidarity scheme, we absorb windfalls and setbacks together, investments are made collectively and pensions are more stable. In the flexible scheme, members have more influence on the risks involved in investing the pension. The social partners (trade unions and employers' organisations) in the merchant navy have yet to take the final decision, but at the moment they tend to prefer a solidarity-based defined contribution scheme. Once the arrangements are finalised, we will let you know via the website and our newsletter.

Read more questions and answers

'Lump sum' pension choice has been deferred

Withdrawing part of the pension at retirement will not be possible until 1 January 2025. Carola Schouten, outgoing Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions, informed the House of Representatives that the previously planned start date of 1 July 2024 will not be feasible. As soon as withdrawing a 'lump sum' is finally possible, we will let you know via the website and our newsletter.

Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year! 

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