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April 2024

We verhogen de pensioenen in 2024 met 3,26%

Employers Newsletter

April 2024

Preliminary results of risk appetite survey

A few weeks ago, we asked you how you feel about your pension, and how much risk you are willing and able to accept in that regard. We now have the preliminary results of the survey.

View the results and follow-up steps

Changes to the pension scheme

A number of changes will be made to the pension scheme rules. For instance, the entry age has been lowered to 18 years. Want to know more about all the changes? You can find detailed information about the changes at

See all the changes

The new pension scheme is almost ready to be announced

Representatives of the employers and employees are working on the arrangements for the new pension scheme. They are now in the final stages of those arrangements. They record the arrangements in a transition plan. You will soon find the transition plan on our website.

Questions about the new pension system

Now that the new Dutch Future Pensions Act has taken effect, we can well understand that you and your employees have questions. We therefore answer the most frequently asked questions about the new pension system. 

How will investments be made in the new system? 
In the solidarity scheme, all pension assets are invested collectively, as they are now. There is no ndividual investment profile. However, we will invest by age group. This way, we ensure that young people can take more risk than those nearing retirement and pensioners. We will conduct regular surveys among members and pensioners. In this way we determine how much risk they are willing to take with their pensions.

Read more questions and answers

Koopvaardij Portal has been revamped

As an employer, you have now been introduced to our revamped Koopvaardij Portal. We have made it clearer and simpler to submit pension details. Do you still need assistance? Then our Employers’ Desk will be glad to help you.

Providing your monthly wage details

You submit your employees' wage details each month. You do this for your employees every month, even if nothing changes in their data. This way, together we ensure that they receive the correct pension.

You must register these new employees with us

Bpf Koopvaardij's pension scheme is compulsory for seafarers sailing under the Dutch flag and residing in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Union, the European Economic Area and a number of treaty countries.

You register these employees with us

Help with pension options for your employees

Your employees have several pension options at Bpf Koopvaardij, not only when they retire but also at other times, such as when they enter or leave employment or in the event of divorce. These options will affect the level of the pension. It is therefore advisable to think about this carefully. We will be happy to arrange a personal appointment to help your employees. They can schedule a phone appointment with our Service Desk via the appointment planner on our website.

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