You are receiving a pension from or have a pension at Bpf Koopvaardij. Your opinion is important to us. We would like to invite you to take part in our risk appetite survey from 1 February.
How do you participate in the survey?
You can participate from 1 February.
It will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Would you please complete the questionnaire by 8 March? We will raffle off 10 € 25 gift vouchers among all survey participants!

Why is it important to participate in the survey?
We use this survey to collect information on how you think about your pension, and how much risk you are willing and able to take in that regard. This is important as we are now preparing for the future pension scheme. The better we know what matters to you, the better we can take that into account in our decisions. For example, how much risk we take when investing your pension money.
We conducted a similar survey in 2021. But that was a while ago and the law now imposes additional requirements on such a survey. That is why we are redoing this survey now, sometimes asking slightly different questions than in 2021. This will ensure we will have the most complete information possible to make our decisions.
What do we do with the survey results?
After you have completed the questionnaire, you will receive a report with a brief analysis of your risk profile. We will combine your answers with the answers of the other participants. We will use this information to better understand how our members think about important pension subjects.
We will announce the results of the survey in April 2024 via our newsletter and If you would like to read more now about the new pension system, go to New pension system.
Who is conducting the survey?
Montae & Partners are conducting this survey on our behalf and will take measures to protect your privacy. Montae & Partners will handle your answers with care. They will ensure that your answers cannot be traced back to you. In processing your information, they will adhere to privacy legislation.
Do you have any questions?
Do not hesitate to contact our Service Desk. State the reference ‘Koopvaardij risk appetite survey’. This will enable us to help you better. We thank you for your participation!