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Published on 18 September 2023

5 questions about the high-low pension option

You have various pension options when you retire. For instance, you can opt to vary your pension amount and tailor it to your personal situation. We answer the 5 most frequently asked questions about the high-low pension option.

What is a high-low pension?
If you opt for a high-low occupational retirement pension, you will first receive a higher pension for a period of time and then a lower pension on a date of your choice. The pension is therefore distributed differently over the years.

Does this pension option suit me?
This is a very individual choice. For example, a high-low pension can be attractive to bridge a period of lower income. For example, if you do not receive the state pension in addition to your occupational retirement pension yet. Or if you expect to need more money in the first few years of your retirement.

For how long can I receive a high pension?
For a maximum of 10 years. Your choice affects the amount of your pension. For example, if you receive a higher pension for 10 years, the monthly amount will be lower than if you choose, say, 2 years. This is because your pension is distributed over a longer period of time.

What are the consequences of this option?
If you opt for a higher pension temporarily, your income is going to change. This could, for example, affect the tax you have to pay. Or the allowances you may receive. Take this into account. You can make your pension choice only once.

How much is the high pension?
This is different for each person. You can very easily make calculations in the pension planner in My Koopvaardij. There you will see the amounts associated with the different pension options. This allows you to calculate which choice best suits you and your situation.

Want to know more?
Read about the pension options you can make at Taking retirement. Or make a phone appointment with our Service Desk using the appointment planner on the website if you want more information about your choices.