The arrangements for the new pension scheme have been finalised
The new Dutch Future Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen - Wtp) took effect on 1 July 2023. It means that every pension scheme needs to change, including that of Bpf Koopvaardij.
The new Dutch Future Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen - Wtp) took effect on 1 July 2023. It means that every pension scheme needs to change, including that of Bpf Koopvaardij.
In October and November, pension meetings for our members and pensioners took place in Zwolle, Breukelen, and Ridderkerk.
We try to increase your pension each year so that it can increase partly in line with the rise in the cost of living. At the same time, we take into account the financial health of the fund and the interests of all the members.